A Bunch of Poetry

Friday, May 31, 2013


Double Standards are Alive and Well


Boys will be boys is a common phrase. But I have never heard girls will be girls. The suffrage movement of the early 1900’s and the women’s rights, alongside the Civil Rights movement of the 1960’s and it’s revival in the 1980’s are commonly believed to be dead. But feminism is still alive and well today, still fighting tooth and nail for equality between the sexes. No, feminists are not bra burning, men hating women with unshaven bodies; that, my dear readers, is called a stereotype. It is true, as with all stereotypes, there are some bra burning, men hating women who don’t shave, but that does not mean it is true of all feminists. Because, here’s a juicy little secret, if you believe in or support equality between men and women, you are in fact a feminist. Simple as that. Despite the advance and great strides women’s rights movements and organizations have achieved, there are still many double standards between the sexs. Of course, the biggest double standard is in the department of sexuality. However, pay gaps and the glass ceiling still exist and most insurance companies pay for erectile dysfunction medication but not for the majority of reproductive or contraceptive medication available.


Sex. It’s often a taboo in American society. Especially if you are a woman, unless that is, when it comes to advertising. Another common phrase is sex sells. Yes, you do see a few men in ads wearing nothing but boxers with an undeniable bulge. But this is much rarer than a woman in her underwear or sexily clad, showing off a new product or rolling around on a beach eating a sandwich larger than her mouth.. Of course, the media with its high standards and equal representation of every body type, these women look like the models of Victoria’s Secret.


When it comes to sex and women, women just can’t win. If a woman likes sex and has a lot of sex, she is seen as a whore or a slut. Yet men who like sex and have a lot of sex are placed on a pedestal and seen as a stud. But if a woman doesn’t like or want sex she is considered frigid. Men are encouraged to lose their virginity as soon as possible, while women are supposed to be “pure” and hold on to their virginity for as long as possible. Often, women are shunned into silence about their sexual lives, their body and what they do with it in bed is a huge taboo.


With age difference, women can’t win either. If a woman is with a man that is younger than her, she is a “cougar”, while this isn’t exactly an insult, there are certain connotations with the term that puts it in a negative light. On the other hand, if a woman is with a man that is older, especially as the age difference increases, she is a gold digger.


Boys will be boys is an excuse for boys and men alike. The phrase has never been used in order to justify the actions and thoughts of women. Recently the boys will be boys excuse was used in the Steubenville, Ohio rape case. Due to the fact that high school boys were members of a beloved football team, they were held to a different standard and protected by the community after gang raping and assaulting an intoxicated teenage girl.


There is a saying that has recently been appearing on feminist websites and blogs to bring attention to the double standards between men and women. The best thing a woman can ever be is a woman; the worst thing a man can ever be called is a woman.


What we need to do is to teach our boys and girls that women and men are equal and should be treated as such. We need them to understand that having a certain body part doesn’t make you any less or any greater of a person. We need to teach our boys and men not to rape instead of teach our girls and women not to get raped. Feminism is not a dirty word. Everyone should be a feminist. To the men who say they are not a feminist, explain to your mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, and every woman in your life why you do not support equal rights for them. And to the women who say they are not feminist, do you not like equal pay, or the right to vote, or hold property, or not be treated as property? Because if a woman says she is not a feminist, that is exactly what she is saying.


Just like racism, there will never be no sexism, but we can take steps to become closer to an equal sex world. Banishing and abolishing double standards that are still prevalent in today’s society would be a large step in the right direction.


Forever Young and Depressed


“Our Generation has had no Great war, no Great Depression. Our war is spiritual. Our depression is our lives.” - Chuck Palahniuk, freelance journalist and author of Fight Club.


Here are some scary statistics: a teenager commits suicide every 100 minutes.

Suicide is the third leading cause of death in youth ages 15-24 and the sixth leading cause for children ages 5-14. Over 19% of high school students have seriously thought about committing suicide, 14.5% have actually made plans to commit suicide, while 1 in 12 teens have attempted suicide. Almost a million teens have thought of suicide during an episode of depression. Approximately 20% of teens experience depression before reaching adulthood. Among them, only 30% are treated, leaving 70% to deal with the illness on their own.


Most people, including teens, have days where they are not themselves; they feel down without a reason. For people suffering from depression, these feelings can last for years. Some believe that when you are depressed you can't be happy, smile, or laugh, that you can't have good days. This is not true. With depression there tends to be more bad days than good days. Depression is not anyone’s fault, it is caused by the chemicals in their brain. A person with depression has a chemical imbalance. Depression can often lead to other mental illnesses such as anxiety, dysthymia, and antisocial behavior. 15% of teens with depression will develop bipolar disorder later in their life. If depression goes untreated it will only fester and worsen.


But why is this current high school and college generation so depressed?


Experts point to a myriad of possible causes. One of the frontrunners is the modern lifestyle. Technology is king nowadays. Between smart phones, the boom of internet and social media, video games, and more TV channels than one can count, today's youth are pulled away and isolated from certain societal influences and experiences needed to develop and cope that past generations were exposed to. With the abundance of communication via technology, the amount of cyber bullying occurring has exploded in recent years, which is just another factor to depression and suicide. 16% of high school students say they have been cyberbullied in some form of email, instant messaging, social media sites, or texting. 20% said they had been bullied at school. "What happens with an increase in communication among students is that there's more pressure.” Dr. Hector Adames, a neuropsychologist, said. “[Then] there's more bullying," Victims of bullying are 2-9 times more like to consider suicide. On average there are 160,000 students every day who stay home from school to avoid being bullied.


The media is constantly berating youth with mixed messages like: you have to look and act a certain way to be beautiful and therefore liked and accepted, but nobody will like you if you don't accept and love yourself the way you are. The media tells you to feel good and happy, but lately on social media sites the current cool fad has been mental illnesses like depression and anxiety disorders because it makes you "unique".


Some people are predisposed to mental illnesses due family history, chronic diseases and physical conditions, and family/home problems like divorce. Females are also twice as likely to become depressed as males; the media’s affect and target on young females is the presumed leading cause for the gap in depression between the sexes. However, males are less likely to seek help, society norms and ideals of gender and masculinity are named to be the main reason why.


Stress is a major factor as well. Today, there are five to eight times more students in high school and college who have depression and/or anxiety issues than in the Great Depression era. Since the 1960's suicide rates have almost tripled.

Unrealistic expectations from all aspects of life have youth feeling more stressed, hopeless, and helpless.
"Teens think they are invincible ... when they feel psychological pain, they are more apt to feel overwhelmed by helplessness and [believe they] have no control..." said Tony Jurich, a professor at Kansas State University.
Jurich also believes with the amount of technology running people's daily lives today there is a divide between the family dynamic of years past. Not every child is taught or experiences the skills they need for coping with stressful situations.

Environmental toxins and current diets of such highly processed food may be small contributions as well.


With the help of adults and other teens alike, there is hope. Wake up, open your eyes, and know the signs of depression:


  • low self-esteem
  • sadness and/or hopelessness
  • sluggish/drowsy
  • spending more time alone, withdrawing from friends and family
  • sleeping more, even when not tired
  • physical ailments such as aches, pains, and headaches
  • substance abuse
  • new or worsening problems in school or at work
  • lack of motivation
  • decreases in loved activities/interests
  • increased interest or talks about death/suicide
  • not caring about appearance or dramatic changes in appearance
  • changes in eating/sleeping patterns
  • forgetfulness
  • running away from home


While it is important to know the signs of depression, it doesn’t matter if anyone doesn’t do anything about it. Talk to them, seek out help.


80% of depressed teens can be successfully treated if they receive the right help and treatment. Treatment can include medication, therapy, mediation, or care from medical providers. Depression will usually respond to treatment, however very deep depression may persist and can have recurring episodes throughout a patient’s lifetime.


“There's nothing, repeat, nothing to be ashamed of when you're going through a depression. If you get help, the chances of your liking it are really good. But, you have to get yourself onto a safe path.” – Mike Wallace, 60 Minutes news anchor.

Revamps and New Beginnings

Greetings all!

My, it has been a while sine I have used blogger. A few years ago, this was mainly a spot for me to ramble and share some of my writing. Well, it went dead and I've decided to revive it. So, ta-da!

I will still post writing and photography, and of course, it just wouldn't be mine if I didn't have rambling posts about nothing every now and then. But, I am also introducing DIY's. Yay! I have really gotten into more crafty stuff lately, especially since I have time to actually do stuff. Along with my DIY's, I will preview what I am selling and will be adding to my Etsy shop.

For any new guests, I'll give a brief description of myself. Firstly, my name is Ally. I am on a constant journey of self-creation. I just graduated high school, I am taking a gap year this year, meaning, I am not going to college this year, but I will next year. I am going to use this year to works and save up money, and hopefully doing some traveling and volunteering. Oh, and working on lots of cool things to sell in my Etsy shop. I am planning to go to Art Institute of Kansas City for advertising and graphic design. After college, I hope to get a job in the marketing department of a human rights cooperation or organization. I am a hardcore feminist and a huge supporter of gay rights (and human rights in general). I am a type one diabetic and have been since the age of seven. I have two dogs (beagles) and a cat. I love to write. Sometimes short stories, but mainly poetry when I have the muse for it. I love the arts in all forms.
Anything else you want to know about me, feel free to ask!

Since I haven't posted anything in a while, I ended up just removing all my old posts. But, luckily for you, I am going to post some of my writings from the past year. Mainly poetry and a couple articles I wrote for my journalism class this spring. So enjoy!

Create yourself!